History Of The Neck Tie
History Of The Neck Tie The history of the necktie can date back to different periods, depending on the way we define the word tie itself. Traditionally, the word tie is used to define a [...]
Four In Hand
Four In Hand In the popularity stakes, the four in hand knot is by far the most widely used across the world. This popularity stems from mainly the elegant design and the element of class [...]
Windsor Knot
Windsor Knot This article is the first of our tie knot series, where we as tie manufacturers explain the various knots used in neckwear and their origins. One of the more popular tie knots is [...]
Neckwear Styles
Neckwear Styles Neckwear can be traced back to the 1600’s, when the French King Louis the XIV enlisted the help of a Croatian military group known as The Croats, who typically wore red scarves. King [...]